There are many Shih Tzu grooming styles to choose from. However, some pet owners will choose to reflect their dog's personality in the style.
For some dog owners they find that the up keep of their dog's grooming is too much hassle and they opt to keep the hair trimmed. Keeping the hair trimmed is much less time sharp for the owner.
Shitzu Dogs
Daily grooming is required for the fun loving Shih Tzu, if the owner has opted not to keep the coat trimmed. It is recommended that a steel comb or bristle brush is used when grooming a Shih Tzu. If the owner finds a lot of tangles or mats, then a plastic comb can be used.
Trimming can be done by using a good set of dog trimmers and trimming the hair all one length. Normally owners will leave the hair at the head and around the neck a tiny bit longer than the rest of the body.
The Top Knot style is for owners wishing to keep the hair of their Shih Tzu full length, they will pull back the hair around the eyes and pin it on the top of the head.
This ensures that the dog will be able to still see. Owners will often times pin the hair around the mouth as well. You can put a pin in or some choose to braid the hair and then put a pin in. As you can see, there are many dissimilar varieties for the top knot.
Shih Tzu grooming style is more of an owner's preference. However, if the Shih Tzu is older or is sick, it is recommended that the hair is kept short and trimmed.
Most leading to remember is if the owner allows the hair to stay long, they must pin the hair back from the mouth and eyes so the dog can profess vision and genuinely access their food.
Tips on Shih Tzu Grooming Styles