Taking on the ' dog whisperer '
OK, I admit, I've gotten sucked into episodes of '' The Dog Whisperer '' and been intrigued by Cesar Millan's magic with canines. The guy's likable enough, and he's an animal lover (I presume), so I give him points for that. And I've even tried his training methods (sort of) with my dopey but headstrong Rottweiler. But for some reason I'm not completely sold. The skeptic in me says that this Mexican guy hit the jackpot one day when he realized he could make a buck by convincing desperate shitzu/pitbull/goldendoodle/shepherd owners that he could rehabilitate their growly, ill-behaved "terrors.
Shitzu Dogs
Is Cesar Millan the Gay Communities SuperNanny " "?
Is Cesar Millan the Gay Communities SuperNanny " "?