Seeing blood in your dog's urine can be very alarming. It is not general for dogs to have blood in their urine. Therefore, when your dog starts peeing blood there must be something admittedly wrong with him.
Blood in dog urine can be caused by a estimate of reasons. These causes contain bladder infection, urinary tract infection, prostate gland infection, tick infestation, poisoning or chemical intoxication, kidney or bladder stones, prostate gland infection, internal injuries, and cancer. As you can see, the causes of dog urinating blood are healing conditions which need immediate attention. Therefore, when you observation blood in your dog's urine, the best thing to do is to take it to the veterinarian.
Shitzu Dogs
Typically, blood in dog's urine comes with other symptoms such as straining to urinate, constant howling while urinating, constant licking of the genital area, producing only small amounts of urine or no urine at all. The dog's constant howling especially when urinating and its constant licking of its genital area signals the nearnessy of pain. When the dog starts to urinate with blood in it, it may be a sign that anyone is causing it has gone to its developed stage. This can be alarming because this can mean that your dog is in great danger.
When you take the dog to the vet, the vet may achieve a series of corporal and laboratory tests to conclude the cause of the problem. Once the vet has made a proper diagnosis, he can then achieve the exact treatment to the dog. Depending on the cause of the nearnessy of blood, the vet may designate medicines to stop the symptoms or he may achieve surgical operation and other healing procedures. He may also guidance a turn in the dog's diet.
It is important that you consequent the instructions and guidance given by the veterinarian. His words may mean life and death for your dog. Once your dog is ready to go back home and recuperate, you can then give him other forms of treatment which may help in the faster healing of his health and in preventing a recurrence of the disease. But again, it is important that you consult the vet first.
A great way to help treat bloody urine in dogs and fighting against recurrences of the disease is to give your dog homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies can be administered at home. According to statistics, homeopathic remedies have proven their worth in treating urinary diseases in dogs together with blood in urine. Most dog owners have used homeopathic remedies in their pets. Not all homeopathic remedies, though, may show improvements in dogs. That is why you need to carefully select the right homeopathic remedies for your dog. It is recommended that you buy homeopathic remedies which contain uva ursi, berberis vulgaris, staphysagris, and cantharis. These ingredients have properties which can help develop your dog's immune principles and boost your dog's allinclusive and general health.
A dog is like a baby. It needs our proper care. We wouldn't want our dog to suffer from any diseases. When you see blood in your dog's urine, it is important that you take proper actions on it.
Blood in Dog Urine