Taming Unwanted Behavior in a Shih Tzu

If there is one thing that drives any dog owner to the brink of insanity, it is excessive barking and Shih Tzu owners are no different. When something gets them riled up, these tiny dogs can undoubtedly get working up into a frenzy of barking. If the owner is not there to deter it, the noise could go on for long periods of time. By gradually training and using confident reinforcement with your Shih Tzu, you should be able to yield great results.

While it is worth your while to have an alert Shih Tzu to warn you when something is not right, until they learn what commonplace means by your direction, there will be a bti of obscuring and much noise. When there is something you do not want them to bark at, use a very calm voice and tell them no. When it is acceptable to give praise and let them know not to bark anymore, now that you know what the situation is.

Shitzu Dogs

Using reward training is ordinarily preferable over punishment, though sometimes you might need to get your Shih Tzus concentration when they are worked up into a barking frenzy, this can best be done by using a clicker or squirting with a water bottle. You make make your own uncomplicated noise maker by putting unpopped popcorn or pennies into a tin or aluminum can and sealing it up.

In increasing to bark, a Shih Tzu may have the horrible habit of whining when left along for any period of time. Exercising the dog is a good way to curb this behavior, any way this amounts to quite a bit of walking throughout the day. Playing fetch with a stick or a ball provides good practice and some dogs truly love it. Sometimes its hard to make sure your Shih Tzu gets adequate practice daily to curb the bad behavior. Walking about a half-mile should suffice. Having two dogs at once can also solve this dilemma, as long as you make it known to the dogs you are the alpha human, you should have no trouble being the boss.

When inspecting things from a dogs perspective, the actions of humans are not undoubtedly understood much of the time. When it comes to behavioral training, you should be a gentle, firm, instructional, loving teacher and leader. You should teach all the members of your family to not startle a dog that is undoubtedly driven by fear and adrenaline. This could be something as uncomplicated as yelling or habitancy who wear hats, but until a dog understands something is okay, they are going to get themselves all worked up.

Perhaps one of the most regarding tendency in a Shih Tzu is to engage in biting out of fear. This is a common occurrence in smaller dogs than in larger ones, but this type of behavior is most often associated with dogs that have either been poorly socialized as pups or a victim of corporeal or verbal abuse.

Having your Shih Tzu puppy meet a wide collection of people, other dogs and situations when they are younger encourages them to be unafraid, especially if you are overly cautious about situations where to dog may be injured. This does not mean you should snatch up your dog on the street when you see a larger dog approaching. It means to ask permission from the person who owns the dog, either the dog is amiable or not and plainly walking on the opposite side, if this is not the case.

If you show your own fear, your dog will acknowledge and pick up on that fear, because they learn by what they see and experience. Shih Tzus are also very aware and sensitive of their own size. Biting out of fear is also witnessed with fear-induced urinating. Make sure you mind your temper, no matter what the dog has just urinated on, this is instrumental in not manufacture an overly sensitive dog any more frightened.

Thankfully, this also means a Shih Tzu is small adequate to plainly be physically picked up and put into a crate for a time out to calm down, because this form of behavior is unacceptable. If the dog is very traumatized, it may never be able to overcome it and will all the time hunger for the concentration he or she desires but is to scared to accept. Using soothing words to calm the dog and placing it in a safe place, will be considerable for dogs of this temperament.

Taming Unwanted Behavior in a Shih Tzu