Perhaps you've seen citizen picketing your local pet store because they were selling puppies. Don't these citizen have anyone better to do with their lives? Actually, no they don't. What they are doing is calling attentiveness to not how the puppies in a pet store or treated, but where pet stores buy their puppies from - puppy mills. Puppy mills are not only cruel and unsanitary, but the puppies that come from there are often sickly, have ingrained behavioral problems and are sometimes sold with false papers.
If you want a Shih Tzu or a Shih Tzu mix, then you are best off getting your puppy not from a pet store or an Internet site that sells puppies with no questions asked (except your formula of payment), but from reputable Shih Tzu breeders or an animal salvage shelter. The puppies and their parents from Shih Tzu breeders are kept in ethical conditions an receive great veterinary care, often get to live inside of a house and come with condition guarantees. These are some of the many advantages of buying from Shih Tzu breeders or adopting from a Shih Tzu rescue.
Although animal proprietary activists and politicians like Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell (D) work hard to stop puppy mills, they can't get them shut down if the puppy mill owners keep getting paid. Those payments come from puppies bought in pet store or Internet sites that only ask you where to ship the puppy and what your reputation card number is.
Shitzu Dogs
The big benefit to getting your puppy from a reputable Shih Tzu breeder is that you can see the parents of the Shih Tzu puppies. You can also meet the first humans your puppy will be in contact with and help shape their attitude towards life. You can also get to tour the kennel or home of a Shih Tzu breeder to see if the dogs are happy, wholesome and treated humanely. Not only is humane rehabilitation of dogs the right thing to do, it also makes for a healthier, better mentally adjusted dog.
If you remember only one thing from this article, please remember this - all the time buy your Shih Tzu puppy (or Any puppy) from a reputable Shih Tzu breeder. Puppies are not like fish or mice which are very group and don't need a lot of exercise. All pet store puppies do twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week is sit in a cage and occasionally get to be handled for a few minutes by shoppers. For those of you who are up on your Shih Tzu information, you know this is the Worst inherent rehabilitation of a inherent pet.
Puppies are highly impressionable from two to four months of age. anyone they learn while this period regularly stays with them the rest of their lives. This is the perfect time for them to be housetrained, leash-trained and trained for all the things they need to know for their lives as companion animals. With Shih Tzu breeders, the puppies get the instruction they need at such a requisite time.
Internet Site Puppies May Not Be From Reputable Shih Tzu Breeders