Shih Tzu Puppy Training

Shih Tzu puppy training is significant if you're going to have a well-behaved adult Shih Tzu. It isn't that an older dog cannot be trained, but it's so much easier to start your dog off right. With just a few general training system your puppy can get off to a great start.

Remember that what is cute behavior in a tiny tiny dog could be annoying at best in your adult pet. Remember too that no matter how much you love your new puppy, that puppy will grow to be an adult dog. Many times unacceptable behavior in an adult dog results in the dog leaving it's home, not by choice either. So, you must not let behavior go that will endanger your long-term association with your pet.

Shitzu Dogs

We are talking about discipline here. You must first do some mental about what is suitable behavior to you. You as the pet owner must make decisions. And start early to set boundaries for your pet. What do you expect from your pet? What are your responsibilities? Do not let behavior problems go unchecked. Caring for a Shih Tzu puppy is a major responsibility, but a fun one too!

If you see a behavior qoute developing and you do not know what to do, get some help. Training resources are widely ready either with a local educator or on the Internet plus books and videos. See, your pet is looking to you for guidance. You must not fail your pet. It may be you that undoubtedly needs the training and not your pet.

But it is a large mistake to expect too much from a tiny puppy. tiny puppies are very undoubtedly distracted and have tiny small concentration spans. Your tiny puppy can learn quickly, but do not push too hard and fast with training. Be patient, very outpatient with puppies.

To be flourishing with training your puppy, try to link rewards with desired behavior. Link a less desired outcome with undesired behavior. Please don't think violence is necessary. Firm but gentle is the way to head off problems.

One of the first training steps is housebreaking your puppy. Don't start too early. Check with your dog's breeder for a recommend time to start training. Housebreaking is a task that must be done or else your pet will probably not stay at your house.

One way to cope this is to monitor your pup intimately and scoop the pup up and get to the proper place for elimination before it happens. There are some methods plus some different products to help. Products to help consist of dog litter boxes, doggie diapers and potty pads.

House training is just the start. You can move on to obedience training and even on to teaching tricks to your puppy.

Your puppy can grow to be a fun and important part of your family with just a tiny advice from you.

Shih Tzu Puppy Training