Dogs, just like humans, need to have their teeth cleaned.
One of the best ways of ensuring that your dog has clean teeth is to provide lots of raw bones for your dog. The action of chewing on bones cleans your dogs teeth very effectively. Any way some owners whether do not like feeding too many bones, or their dog naturally does not get along with them.
Shitzu Dogs
The alternative is to brush your dogs teeth. This is not a difficult procedure once mastered. It takes a while to get used to the technique, but once performed a few times, you will be able to complete the task in a few minutes.
Teeth cleaning for dogs is performed in much the same manner as it is for us. The inequity being that a shorter toothbrush is usually used, or a small brush is attached to the finger.
You need to ensure that you buy a toothpaste for dogs as human toothpaste is risky for dogs.
At first your dog may not like the brushing action but it will soon come to be used to it. Initially brush your dogs teeth every day for at least a week. This will get your dog used to it. Lots of dogs precisely come to precisely enjoy having their teeth cleaned as they enjoy the taste. Chicken seems to be the tastiest flavor for dogs. After a few attempts you will know how to clean dogs teeth easily. It will be done in a matter of minutes and your dog may well enjoy it.
Keep to a regular schedule after the first first week. About twice a week is ideal for brushing your dogs teeth, but more often will do nothing but good.
When first getting your dog used to having its teeth brushed you may find a helper will make the job easier. It precisely does depend on the nature of your dog. Some dogs like it level away, while others take a while to enjoy it.
I cannot stress the significance of keeping your dogs teeth clean. If you do not achieve this easy task usually then you will be facing some large vet bills in the future. Nearly all dogs will have to have high-priced dental surgery at some point in their life if their teeth are not cleaned. Trust me when I tell you that it is very expensive.
You can, of course, take your dog to the vets to have its teeth cleaned but it is expensive. naturally do it yourself at home and you will be recovery an awful lot of money and stop your dog having bad breath as well as lovely clean teeth.
How to Clean Dog Teeth