Puppy Adopting-Think Twice When Someone Offers Puppies For Free!

You've decided you, or you and your family, should adopt a puppy as your next family pet. When you check with local dog breeders, you're dismayed to hear what they charge. You know enough to avoid pet store adoptions when the dogs may come from puppy mills, but then someone says they know of someone getting rid of puppies for free ...Let's face it-we all love a great deal. And compared to what they want for pure bred dogs, especially any popular puppy breed, at first glance this sounds like the perfect solution for your next family pet-but is it?

In some cases getting puppies for free is a smart move, and you'll be happy with your decision for years and years to come. But you could be haunted by the decision for some time too if you're not careful about it. I know many peopleare looking for small dogs for adoption that you have to wonder why someone would be giving away spitz, pugs or shitzu dogs. Most people adopting a puppy aren't necessarily looking for purebred dogs, so even those with mixed lineage still command a fair dollar. And the same goes for medium size dogs like beagles, although the biggest demand is for the smallest dogs. So why give puppies for free?

Your first concern is for the animal's health-and if you can't find out it's lineage you don't know what medical traits and concerns are endemic to the dog breeds in your prospective adoptee. Further, has the dog been neutered or spayed? Has a qualified, licensed Veterinarian examined this cute little dog to make sure parvo, heartworm or other common puppy diseases aren't present? Doeshe or she even have a flea collar? Not all puppy diseases are evident to the untrained eye, or even to a professional standard lab tests without, etc.

Another concern when adopting a puppy is what training, if any, has been given and what socialization has been given? Are they used to being held by and playing with children? Have you ever been involved in training puppies or house-breaking them? Are you sure an older dog might not be a better choice for your family-at least one old enough to already be trained?

Shitzu Dogs

And if you don't know the puppy breed, it's had to be sure of the puppy temperament-or what it will develop into as the dog matures. Do you have young children in the house, or plan to one day? If so, you need to ensure that the family pets and the entire householdwill be able to cohabitate successfully!

Yes, on the surface free dog adoption-especially getting puppies for free-seems like an ideal situation. But in truth, paying out what it takes for a dog or a dog shelter adoption society like an ASPCA adoption or an RSPCA adoption may turn out to cost a lot less in terms of money, grief and time. So think twice when offered when someone is giving puppies for free and consider whether you wouldn't be better with a humane society adoption-and whether a puppy adoption is right for your situation or if you should be adopting an older dog.

Puppy Adopting-Think Twice When Someone Offers Puppies For Free!
Puppy Adopting-Think Twice When Someone Offers Puppies For Free!

What Are Designer Pet Accessories Coach?

They say that a dog is man's best friend, but let's not forget the woman dog lovers out there! From toy poodles, to Chihuahua 's, to Shitzu 's, women not only love their little dogs, they love to dress them as well. Who could not love the look of a little dog prancing down the street wearing a tiny dog coat or shirt? The line of accessories for dogs and cats is growing all the time and the famed, Coach Leatherware Company, is one of the leaders in offering high-end Designer Coach Pet Accessories.

Now, women are not just relegated to their choice of luxurious Coach Handbags for their fashion needs, they can outfit their dogs as well with the 100% leather high quality products! Coach has launched its own line of Designer Coach Pet Accessories to outfit and dog. These includeCoach dog collars, Coats, and dog leashes. One of the favorite of these accessories is the Coach Pet Taxi.

This little pet carrying case made of jacquard fabric if and is both water and stain resistant. Your pet will travel in style in this beautifully crafted carrying case featuring the signature C on the side. The Coach Pet Taxi comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, much like their popular line of handbags, and features a zip front open to allow for easy entrance and exit of your beloved pet.

Shitzu Dogs

Now, you can carry your little friend around and be fashionable at the same time by purchasing a few of the Designer Coach Pet Accessories. Your pet will feel like a million dollars when you spoil them with a gift or two from this enormously popular pet line of accessoryproducts.

You can find Pet Accessories online, or at any of hundreds of Coach Outlets all over the country. Treat your pet to a gift today and ensure your little pooch is the most stylish in the neighborhood!

What Are Designer Pet Accessories Coach?
What Are Designer Pet Accessories Coach?

Grooming Your Shih Tzu

One reason Shih Tzu are so popular is for their luxurious, thick, flowing double coats.

The long hair on their heads is often tied to an adorable top knot so they can see better and to show off the way they naturally carry their heads high. However, these stunning coats must be brushed every day, or at a minimum every other day.

Shitzu Dogs

Some people will trim their Shih Tzu's hair short to simplify grooming. This is a better alternative than allowing a pet's hair to become matted and dirty, but doing so wastes one of the best features of the Shih Tzu.

Grooming Your Shih Tzu

The time you spend grooming your little dog lovingly will pay off in closer bonding and even more devotion from this naturally trusting and affectionate companion.

You may fall in love with the Shih Tzu's flowing hair,but if you do not have time to spend bathing and brushing a long-haired dog, or the finances to pay for regular grooming, you would be happier if you adopted a different breed.

If you purchase your Shih Tzu for rowdy romps in the backyard (which she will enjoy), you will need to groom her even more frequently to keep her hair free of tangles and matting. Still, a Shih Tzu requires less grooming than some other long-haired dog breeds.

Start Your Grooming Ritual Early

Begin brushing your Shih Tzu puppy daily-even if only for a couple of minutes and even if his immature coat doesn't really need to be brushed-and you will establish the brushing habit for both of you. Make this a time of proximity and gentle care and you will be rewarded by years of loyal friendship from yourShih Tzu.

This is also a great job for older children, if you train them how to properly groom your Shih Tzu, and will teach a loving child valuable lessons in patiently nurturing and caring for another living being.

Some Shih Tzu owners report that at about 10 to 12 months of age, a Shih Tzu's coat will change. You may become discouraged in your brushing because mats may seem to form faster than you can untangle them. Fortunately, this condition is only temporary and lasts about three weeks to one month.

Grooming Your Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu Puppies

Shitzu puppies are members of what we could probably call the most famous dog breed ever to walk the planet. These beautiful puppies are from a breed which was supposedly originated in Tibet, they are encountered in a wide variety of colors which include: gray, gold, black or white. Shitzu puppies are also easy to distinguish because of the different characteristics that they possess; they have large eyes and a tail that has all of its movement above their torso. There are one of the most popular breed for contests and for grooming.

Shitzu puppies are also great for kids since they are very calm and gentle with anyone who comes near them, they are extremely playful and enjoy being patted it a lot. Shitzu puppies are considered to be the children's best friend and pet. Theydo not like being punished, and they do not answer well to this kind of education, however they are extremely intelligent and will learn a lot of commands in a very short amount of time. You will find these puppies to the extremely fond to love and care and they will return all of those commodities to the person who looks after them.

It is very important to clean the area between the eyes of shitzu puppies every day, since it tends to get very messy and could eventually cause them to have difficulties or problems with their sight and their beautiful eyes. It is also very important that you acknowledge the fact that shitzu puppies need to be exercised and they enjoy being taken outdoors, they are very fond of running and jumping and will prove to be excellent companions in thoselong walks that you take in the morning.

Another wonderful fact about shitzu puppies is that you will quickly notice their high stamina, they can take long walks as well as spend hours playing with kids, and you will have them running around your house every day since they need a lot of exercise and movement into their lives. Try keeping shitzu puppies away from cold weather since they are quite intolerant to the cold winter and low temperatures, during this time you should let their hair grow longer so that it can protect them from the cold.

Shitzu Dogs

Shih Tzu Puppies
Shih Tzu Puppies

Major Health Concerns For a Shih Tzu

All dogs are vulnerable to numerous diseases and health concerns but some breeds are more likely to be affected by one than another. Shih Tzu are no exception to this. This article will list and briefly describe those problems.


Shitzu Dogs

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. It can be inherited, the result of an injury, or part of the aging process.

Major Health Concerns For a Shih Tzu


Von Willebrand disease refers to a bleeding disorder that results in a decreased amount of a glycoprotein. This glycoprotein is needed for proper clotting of the blood.


Unfortunately cancer can strike our pets. The most common type is that of mammary or testicular cancer. It can occur at any age.


Cleft palate in dogs refers to a failure of thetwo sides of the palate to fuse correctly. This defect usually occurs during embryonic development but it can also result from over-dosages of steroids, Vitamin A, and some antibiotics.


Congestive heart failure is a serious condition that often affects older dogs of small breeds, including Shih Tzu. This condition refers to an inability of the heart to function normally. The result is an increased retention of water and salt which leads to a fluid buildup in the lungs.


Just as humans, dogs need a certain amount of dental care to maintain their dental health. This includes having their teeth cleaned at least annually by the veterinarian. Other preventative steps include brushing the Shih Tzu teeth with specially formulateddog toothpaste. Providing hard dog biscuits and bones, and chew toys can also help.


Ear infections are common in dog breeds with floppy ears. The ears fill up with a dark, smelly wax. If the condition is left untreated the infection can become chronic.


Fleas often are a part of dog ownership, but certain steps should be taken to avoid excessive fleas that result in flea bites to your dog. Lawns can be treated as well as homes to eliminate live fleas. And your Shih Tzu can receive preventative medications from the veterinarian.


Harderian gland prolapse into the gland of the third eyelid has prolapsed as a pink fleshy mass protruding over the edge of the third eyelid, between the thirdeyelid and the cornea. This condition usually develops during the first year of life.


Heart murmurs are not necessarily indicative of a heart disease but instead, they can be a hint that the dog may have something wrong. Heart murmurs are abnormal sounds heard when the veterinarian listens to the heartbeat of your Shih Tzu with a stethoscope.


Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes. Heartworm disease is cyclic. Adult worms average about six inches in length (but they can be much longer) and they mostly live in the heart. Microscopic baby worms live in the blood vessels throughout the body.


Hip dysplasia is a degenerative disease of the hip joints. This condition is often inherited and it can affect one orboth hips. It usually cannot be diagnosed until after the age of 2 years.


Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland stops working. The thyroid gland is responsible for producing a hormone that is responsible for proper metabolism.


Invertebral disk disease is a somewhat common back problem. The discs in the spine slip causing nerve damage. It results in acute pain, loss of movement and or coordination, and even paralysis. The condition usually occurs following a fall or jump.


Smaller dogs can more easily become obese and obesity can result in many diseases and disorders. This can include heart disease, kidney disease, and increased pain from other ailments such as arthritis. Obesity can cause changesin temperature, pulse and heartbeat.

PATELLAR LUXATION (Slipped Stifles or Kneecaps)

Patellar Luxation is usually a congenital condition that appears at birth, but it can also happen due to trauma. This condition affects females 1.5 times more often than it does males. The kneecap slips out of the tendon and then slips back in.


Renal Cortical Hypoplasia refers to a condition in which the kidneys have developed incorrectly and are smaller than normal. This condition often results in infections and stone formation.


Renal Dysplasia can be found in almost any dog breed but it is most commonly found in Lhasa Apsos and Shih Tzu. This is a genetic defect or a developmental defect of the kidneys. It is thought that thedefect is caused by an embryonic arrest in kidney development sometime around the birth.


Stenotic Nares refers to a narrow or restricted our. The opening to the nostril (s) are too small making it difficult for the Shih Tzu to breathe through the nose. This condition can put a strain on various body systems of the dog and even result in an enlargement of the heart.


Tracheal collapse is most commonly found in small breeds including the beloved Shih Tzu. This condition is characterized by a weakening of the cartilage rings of the trachea. The condition can be either congenital or acquired. Obesity is often a contributing factor.


Major Health Concerns For a Shih Tzu

Adult Shih Tzus Can Come With a History

Danica and her husband Sam decided to adopt Justin, a 2 year old gold and white Shih Tzu that had been turned over to a shelter. Danica and Sam could see Justin's inner beauty at first glance and they knew in their hearts that he was the right dog for them.

It was obvious from the start that Justin would need to be taught some basic commands, he did not seem to understand the concept of housetraining nor did he like when he was called. Additionally, it soon became apparent that Justin did not know how to play or interact well with his dog parents or anyone else. Determined to make this adoption success, Danica and Sam immediately began working with Justin on a daily basis. They sat aside time each day to play with him and to teach him some basic commands. Danica and Samused positive reinforcement that included treats and lots of love and praise.

After only a few weeks things were going much better, Justin was becoming a real family member. Justin was doing well with his training and he seemed to like everyone now. That is, until Sam's brother Joe came for a visit, it was apparent that Justin was not comfortable with him.

Shitzu Dogs

Justin hid behind the couch when Joe walked in and had to be coaxed out by Danica to eat. Danica called her friend that happened to be an animal behavior consultant. Her friend said that Joe apparently reminded the Shih Tzu of someone from his past that was abusive in some way. Danica's friend asked if Joe would be willing to work at easing the dog's discomfort. Joe agreed wholeheartedly and began working with Justin as theanimal behaviorist suggested.

To start, Joe attempted to give the dog treats. He also made a real effort to keep his voice even and friendly. Danica and Sam actually made a point of allowing the dog see them interact with Joe. This was an attempt to allow their pet see that Joe was accepted by his dog parents which would indicate that he must be safe.

Adult Shih Tzus Can Come With a History

The first day did not go so well, Justin continued avoiding Joe and the treats he offered. But the next morning Joe offered the dog his left-over eggs. Joe sat his plate on the floor next to him and within a moment or two Justin came over and ate the eggs. The dog then sat next to Joe waiting for more. Well, that was the beginning of a friendship for the two of them.

Adult Shih Tzus Can Come With a History

Zhu Zhu Pets Puppies

The toy company Cepia LLC released new line of electronic toys for kids-Zhu Zhu Puppies. Puppies is the second generation of Zhu Zhu Pets. The first motorized Hamsters-pets without the mess were released a year ago and became the must-have toys almost at once. Kids all over the world were just crazy about these furry hamsters. Cepia decided to continue this successful politics and designed new toys for kids Zhu Zhu Puppies.

Shitzu Dogs

Zhu Zhu Pets Puppies
Zhu Zhu Pets Puppies

Best Dogs for Children

In this fast-paced era where ever-busy parents find it really difficult to spend lot of time with children and entertain them, pets are great companions who can keep your child engaged tirelessly for long hours. Pets teach children about compassion toward other being.

Dogs have been domesticated for centuries together; hence many breeds are quite friendly with humans. However, parents should be careful while choosing the breed depending upon the age of the children. For example, large dog breeds like Mastiff or Great Dane are not suitable if you have infants or very small children at home. Similarly, very small breeds like Chihuahuas, Pekinese or Shitzu may find it difficult to cope up with hyperactive kids.

Shitzu Dogs

Best Dogs for Children
Best Dogs for Children

Problem Barking-Why They Do It-How You Can Stop It

Barking is a natural trait and doggy-dogs bark for all sorts of reasons: it's their natural way of communicating.

There's the defence bark, "Get orf my land!"

Shitzu Dogs

The dominance bark, "I can bark louder than you because I'm bigger/better/tougher ... etc"

Problem Barking-Why They Do It-How You Can Stop It

The social/excited bark, "Oh my goodness I'm so glad you're back."

And the self-identification bark which alerts the other dogs in the neighbourhood to the fact that, "I'm here guys. It's me at number 12. "

All of these are entirely normal and if practised in moderation causes no problems.

The trouble begins when barking is done to excess. That's when the neighbours begin starring dirty looks in your direction, or worse, bang on your door "in a menacing manner.

Certain breeds are more prone to barking:those bred for guard duties for example, such as German Shepherds. Hunting dogs, such as beagles are also great barkers and the worst culprits seems to be the terriers who just love the sound of their own voices.

However, no breed is immune and it's perfectly possible to end up with a problem Poodle, Greyhound, or Shitzu.

The main causes of problem barking are:

Frustration Lack of exercise Separation anxiety Territorial-defence and alert Fear
In this short article we'll discuss why these types of barking occur and methods of dealing with them.

Frustration Your dog will become frustrated if he's bored, tethered or confined or inappropriately. Think about it. If you were locked up, without any stimulating activity, or maybe tethered to a postall day, wouldn't you go stir crazy after a short while?

There are loads of great dog toys around, designed to stimulate to Fido's brain and reward him periodically by dispensing a little treat. Buy a selection of these toys for and leave them around where he can find them. It'll make home, or the garden seem a more interesting and positive place. Keep tethering to a minimum. If escaping is a problem, have a more secure fence built.

Lack of Exercise Children kept cooped up indoors all day become cranky and conviceps. Fido is no different. All that pent-up energy has to be dissipated somehow: cue problem barking.

This one is easy to solve. Take him for a few daily walks. Run him ragged in the garden with a ball or a toy designed to be pulled. If he'svery active, consider joining an agility class. It's fun and sociable. Don't underestimate basic training. This wheel a dog mentally so he'd prefer to sleep rather than bark.

Separation Anxiety This can be a tricky one to solve as the barking associated with it is self reinforcing.

Fido becomes anxious because you've left, so he barks, which upsets him, so he becomes more anxious, so he barks more, which upsets him making him even more anxious ... get the picture.

Make sure he is left in a comfortable environment, with toys and chews, preferably where he can't destroy anything. Some dogs prefer to be able to see out; others prefer the curtains to be drawn. Go with your own dog's preference.

If the environment is right but the anxiety continues youneed a different approach. Dogs are highly observant. They notice all manner of things. They notice that on work days you looks different; you smell different. you behave differently ... oh-oh, you must be going out and LEAVING him. I know Fido is already on anxiety-alert. By the time you've checked your tie or your hair and grabbed your car keys he's beside himself and is nicely primed to bark his doggy head off when you leave.

To solve this particular problem requires patience and barking deviousness in equal measure. Take a day off in the week but get up, shower, and dress in garb then hang your work around the house. On another occasion pretend to leave but simply go to another room and read a book. Repeat this on a weekend a couple of times (if you can bear to get up, a trampoline anddressed early on a weekend!). Vary your morning routine. Don't apply your perfume until you've left the house; pick up your handbag last instead of your car keys; check your hair then sit down for another cup of tea or coffee; anything to confuse the dog and break the habit.

If you are out for long periods, two dogs can be company for each other (but beware those partnerships which simply double the trouble!). Alternatively employ a dog-walker; someone who pops round to provide some company and interest during the day.

Defence of territory, or ' alert ' barking This is Fido's way of telling you someone is approaching your property and it's a good sort of bark as one of the benefits of owning a dog is the improved security he provides.

Normal alert barkingis a few short sharp barks to let you know someone is here, and then it's over to you as pack leader to decide how to deal with them. Problem alert barking occurs when the normal ' handover ' from dog to owner doesn't happen and Fido sees it as his role to continue barking until the stranger (the postman or delivery driver for example) has left the premises. This is self-reinforcing behaviour of course as the postman or delivery driver will naturally leave once they've made their delivery but Fido thinks it is entirely due to his efforts so will bark all the more the next time a stranger approaches.

In this instance we need to re-establish ourselves as pack leader and make sure he knows that a couple of short barks is great, and that he's a good boy for alerting us to the stranger butnow that's enough. NO Yelling at him probably won't work as NO sounds like you're barking along with him which must mean that you want him to continue!

Try a firm command like ' enough ' or ' cease '. Reward as soon as he stops barking, even for a second. Extend the time gradually so that he's calm and quiet for a few seconds before he receives the treat. Be careful to give the treat only when he's quiet or he'll think you're rewarding him for barking! Ensure everyone in the house uses the same command for this and Fido will soon get the message.

Fear Occasionally, some dogs become fearful of certain situations: cars, lawn mowers, children on bikes ... the list is endless. Rescue dogs in particular seem very prone to this type of barking. My first dog was a lovelyrescue terrier who was terrified of old people. A man in a flat cap would send her into a frenzy of barking. I can only assume she'd been maltreated by her previous owner, an elderly gentleman.

My instinct was to soothe her but unfortunately that reinforced the barking because if I was soothing and calming her there must be something worth worrying about ... right?

The trick in this case is to play on how observant dogs are and how they take their cues from us. First, work on getting Fido to concentrate on you. Use your voice and treats to encourage him to think that you are the centre of his world. Act relaxed and completely normally around whatever it is which is making him nervous. Reward Fido when he's calm and gradually introduces him to the object of his fear over a periodof time, continuing to reward all the time he stays calm.

Inappropriate barking can be a tricky problem to solve but with patience and positive reinforcement the results are worth it, especially for your neighbours!

Problem Barking-Why They Do It-How You Can Stop It

Think Carefully Before Deciding to Breed Shih Tzu's

If you already own a Shih Tzu you know what a wonderful dog they are. Although they are lively and alert, they are also content to be by your side, they are the perfect companion.

Shih Tzu are beautiful and their long flowing hair comes in all colors. It is no wonder that so many of us consider breeding Shih Tzu. After all, having Shih Tzu puppies around is fun, right?

Shitzu Dogs

While puppies are fun they are work and a huge responsibility. But we need to back up a little bit. Let us talk about before the puppies arrive. First of all you will need to find a good match for your Shih Tzu. Size and color must be considered as well as the health of the babies.

Think Carefully Before Deciding to Breed Shih Tzu's

Once you believe your female is pregnant you will need to visit your veterinarian for confirmation and to check up.Gestation is 63 days. During that time you will need to properly feed and care for your female. Her diet must be of the highest quality.

Preparation for the puppies before they arrive is essential. You will need to prepare a whelping box. Plastic sweater boxes work well for this. Line the bottom with newspaper and then place a clean blanket (that has been rinsed well with no fabric softener) over the box. You will want to snug this blanket in and tape it on the bottom of the box.

The idea is to have a comfortable spot for momma and babies but to eliminate the possibility of babies getting lost under the blanket. You will need to have a heating pad to keep under one end of the box. The puppies must be kept warm but the momma may want to get away from the heat attimes.

You will need to purchase a baby scale for weighing the puppies. Careful documentation of their weight and growth in general is important. Do not forget about the vaccinations and de-worming of the babies. And keep in mind that you will need to have food available for them when they reach that stage. Another expense is that of puppy pads. Some people use newspaper but the pads are more absorbent and less messy.

I know that sounds like a lot, and it is, but it is all necessary. In fact, there is still more to do. Your puppies will need socialization. That means you will need to spend some quality time with each of them every day. This includes playing with them, stroking them, rubbing their face and feet, and introducing them to new surfaces. You will also want to insurethat they are using the puppy pad.

Of course you will have the added task of finding good homes for the babies. This can mean advertisement costs and probably some stressful moments in seeing your babies leave.

Think Carefully Before Deciding to Breed Shih Tzu's

Shihtzu Training-Patience is Your Best Friend

Do not let the small stature of your Shitzu fool you. These dogs can be a handful if you are not careful. When it comes to the Shitzu-its small stature is synonymous with active, busy, curious, and creative. Finding toys to entertain and to keep them busy should be a top priority. If you do not provide toys, they will find activities on their own to keep themselves busy like digging, chewing, barking, and exploring.

If you plan to own a Shitzu, then it is important to make sure you have a fenced yard (primarily for supervised exercise), doors that close securely, lots of toys and activities, and lots of time to exercise, socialize, train and groom this little bundle of energy. In addition, be conscious of sudden bursts of energy. The Shitzu might be a decorative dog,but they are constantly on the go and very playful, so be prepared.

Shitzu's are very good-natured dogs; however, they can be effervescent at times. The Shitzu is not easy to train. however, they are a very intelligent breed. They depend greatly on human companionship; therefore making them easy to spoil. Sometimes you may even notice a stubborn streak, with a little pride and arrogance. Additionally, they also have short memories, are easily distracted, and have selective memories.

Shitzu Dogs

Shitzu's have a good sense of humor. They would rather play than get serious about a training session. Making your Shitzu want to cooperate is the best way to train them. Make a conscious effort to spend some time with your Shitzu to teach her the basics. Remember, when it comes to housetrainingshe may require several refresher courses.

Do not push them too hard, and keep expectations realistic. There are Shitzu's that have won some high-level obedience awards; however, yours may not be able to follow in those footsteps. Do not get me wrong, your Shitzu might be able to reach those levels; they most certainly have the intelligence, but keep in mind that they were bred to be flamboyant companions not working dogs.

Shihtzu Training-Patience is Your Best Friend

It takes dedicated, patient, skilled, talented, and experienced owners to take a Shitzu to the level of an obedience champion. Keeping a Shitzu focused is not an easy task. Shitzu's can easily learn house manners; however, shihtzu training is unquestionably going to be a challenge.

Your Shitzu will enjoy making you happy by obeying a few commands, butwill tire of that activity quickly and will want to be held and coddled. If you ask for a repeat performance, she may refuse stubbornly, and no matter how much you beg, it will not work.

Remember, these dogs have a mind of their own, so don't push too hard. However, if you are an experienced trainer and your Shitzu have a love for obedience training, you will both be surprised with the outcome.

Shihtzu Training-Patience is Your Best Friend

Some Simple Tips on Shih Tzu Puppy Training

Shih Tzu Puppy Training

The joys of having a Shih Tzu puppy, which is also called a lion dog and chrysanthemum dog, is incomparable. You will appreciate it's cute and cuddly appearance, soft and smooth fur, and adoring eyes that make it one of the most desirable pets around. It's quality as an excellent guard dog, despite its small size is a bonus!

Shitzu Dogs

Like all dog breeds, however, you must train your lion dog to integrate fully into human society whilst staying true to its natural tendencies and temperaments. You can achieve this through proper puppy training, of which many benefits can be had.

Some Simple Tips on Shih Tzu Puppy Training

Build Good Relationships

The basis of a good relationship with your Shih Tzu puppy is trust, which should be nurtured from the first contact. When you havemutual trust, your pet will follow your commands without the attendant displeasure, confusion and anxiety present in most untrained puppies.

Of course, your pet and the people around you will appreciate your relationship. For one thing, your dog will follow commands that can put it out of harm's way specifically with dog fights. For another thing, your family members and neighbors will appreciate your pet happy, thanks to good puppy training. Ultimately, your relationships with your dog and with other people will benefit from a well-behaved Shih Tzu, puppy or not.

Fix Behavioral Difficulties

It must be emphasized that dogs, like people, have different temperaments although certain traits can be attributed to lion dogs. In addition to their naturally sweet,trustful and playful nature, lion dogs can be very stubborn and easily distracted as well as snappy. Thus, if you are training your pet, always keep these general personality traits in mind.

When you do succeed in your puppy training, you will delightedly discover that your dog behavioral problems wonderfully vanish. You can say goodbye to poop and pee littering the house and the lawn, to neighbors being annoyed with your Shih Tzu's bad behavior, and to children being snapped on by a temperamental puppy. In short, you will have a healthy, happy puppy that will and huggable bring plenty of joy to the family. What more can you want in a pet?

Encourage Socialization

Amongst all the dog breeds, the lion dogs are said to be the most sociable, most affectionate and mostplayful. You will observe that your pet constantly craves human attention and contact, which can lead to behavioral problems with both the dog and the human kinds.

Puppy training, however, minimizes the problems associated with such an attention seeker mentality. Of course, you will train your puppy in the correct ways that he should interact around other dogs and humans. Besides, you can establish who the alpha dog is in the pack, thanks to said training. In a Shih Tzu, you must assert your authority or else you will be taken over by its arrogant and dominant qualities!

So, don't ever hesitate! As soon As you read this article, you can go ahead to my website to learn more about puppy training.

Some Simple Tips on Shih Tzu Puppy Training

The Adwords Trick Methods Revealed

Making some green with Google Adwords is a great way to work online. It can be a quick and lucrative way to bring in the dough right from your computer. Many already know this and have been doing extremely well. Yet others getting in on the game have discovered it to be more difficult than it seems. Especially now days with everyone in on the action and ad costs becoming expensive, for some to the point of not even being worth it. This is where the cunning and sly will not give up, but rather will employ an Adwords trick or two. Here are two Adwords trick methods that successful people have employed.

1. Optimizing. This Adwords trick is pretty simple, while being very effective. It basically entails figuring out which key phrases are getting the clicks and turning overwell. The Adwords trick here is to try and focus on phrases with longer rear ends to them. That is phrases that are not so one or two word general, but rather say three or four word specific. For instance the term "Shitzu dog is less likely to turn over than say" how to groom my shitzu dog. " You're targeting something specific laser that people are actively, and specifically, searching for.

2. Offsetting transaction. This adwords trick method is the biggie. Done right it can lead to essentially not having to pay for your Adwords! What this entails is Adwords trick your ad costs, offsetting transaction over to your competitors. That is, actually using Adwords to make money selling other ads! This obviously can be a powerful Adwords trick that has the potential to put you way ahead of thegame.

The key is in fact staying ahead of the game and the only way to do that successfully is first learning, then employing an adwords trick or two such as the above methods. This can guarantee forward progress in the google adwords game and lead to very successful earnings.

Shitzu Dogs

The Adwords Trick Methods Revealed
The Adwords Trick Methods Revealed

Show Off Man's Best Friend With Designer Dog Accessories

People who like to look stylish when they go out in public, or just sitting around the house, also want their dogs to have the finest in designer dog accessories and clothing. Why not treat your dog like you'd treat the rest of your family? Hats, shoes, sweaters, beds, collars, harnesses, and jewelry are all things you can pamper your precious puppy with.

It may seem like an unnecessary expense to many of us, but designer dog accessories are really no more expensive if you buy them online from the manufacturer, than if you went into your local pet store and bought a generic accessory. You also get the benefit of being able to customize many apparel items with jewels, snaps, buttons, colors, stitching, fabric etc.

Shitzu Dogs

Those of us out there that want to keep our manlydog looking rugged may settle for a hip collar, or a designer bed with frame to keep our pal comfy. Others may want to class their poodle, shitzu, or dachshund with trendy-looking sweaters, booties and hats to make them sparkle out in public or to show off their expensive custom haircuts.

Designer dog accessories are suitable for all breeds of animals, but some like the Italian Greyhound are treated like royalty in certain countries and it's tradition to have them sporting a fashionable Martingale Collar or various "Lord" inspired collars to show off their sleek necks. A little research will show similar traditional wears for many exotic and non-exotic canine breeds.

Show Off Man's Best Friend With Designer Dog Accessories
Show Off Man's Best Friend With Designer Dog Accessories

Should You Choose a Shih Tzu? Pros and Cons

Shih Tzus can be a joy or a pain depending on your situation, and like any breed there are pros and cons. Here are a few things to consider:

Pros: They have the ideal temperament for singles or couples with older kids are people dogs-outgoing, confident and alert. While they may appear somewhat arrogant on sight, the breed usually possesses a sweet-natured temperament. can go from being the ultimate TV-watching couch potato companion to playful pet at the dangling of a toy or toss of a treat. These little guys seem to know they're irresistible and enjoy being treated like royalty. But all the spoiling their owners lavish them with is returned a hundredfold with their fierce loyalty.

Shitzu Dogs

With: They are not always good for babies or young children
Because are used tobeing the center of attention, they can get jealous of babies or young children who constantly need adult supervision. And an older Shih Tzu may snap if bothered by boisterous kids who are not respectful of its space. But some are more tolerant, and if pup and child are introduced properly at an early stage, they may get along swimmingly.

Pros: The breed requires minimal exercise
Unlike other action-loving breeds, are usually content with a short walk around the block or indoor play sessions. If you have a yard, letting your out for brief periods during the day will thrill him, but this breed is also well suited for apartment dwellers.

Should You Choose a Shih Tzu? Pros and Cons

With: High maintenance when it comes to grooming
The is a long-haired breed, and without regular brushing, it can become a matted,knotted mess. If you can't commit to setting time out daily to comb your dog's fur, you'll have to make regular appointments with the local dog groomer for frequent trims to keep his coat short and clean. also require a weekly bath and nail clipping.

Pro: A storied history
If you want a piece of history ambling about your house, look no further than the. Based on the breed's appearances in ancient Chinese paintings, it is thought that have been around since 624 AD and while the breed's origin is a subject of much debate, they were known to be part of the Chinese court.

With: A history of health problems
While generally healthy creatures, Shih Tzus are subject to a kidney disease called renal dysplasia. Also, because of their short faces, this breed has to be handledwith more care than some other breeds-a Shih Tzu's respiratory system is compromised by his short nose, I don't smoke or use strong chemical cleaning products around him. Also, short-faced dogs have a high risk of heatstroke, so minimizing your dog's outdoor activity during the summer is essential.

Pro: All the cool kids have
Because are awesome, they have been a staple in the American Kennel Club's Top 10 Most Popular Breeds since 2004.

With: All the cool kids have Shih Tzus
The burden of any popular breed is abuse by puppy millers and backyard breeders, who damage the gene pool by mass-breeding dogs for profit and not for the betterment of the breed.

Should You Choose a Shih Tzu? Pros and Cons

How to Train a Shih Tzu Dog

If you just got a Shih Tzu puppy, there are a few common characteristics that they display. They are a small, yet sturdy, long body and legged dog, that will grow a long flowing coat in different colors. They don't need much exercise, and typically are proud, dignified, yet happy and playful. They are friendlier with strangers than most smaller breeds and less yappy.

The downside to owning this breed of dog is that they also suffer separation anxiety and can become destructive and barky if left alone too much, and they are also stubborn. Of course, high coat maintenance is required such as brushing and trimming, and they can be difficult to housebreak. You might hear them snoring and another sniffling, snorting and some can have serious health problems.

Shitzu Dogs

The main thing toconsider with training puppies is that they are quick to think of themselves as humans, and on equal ground with their owners, so it is important to be consistent in training, and they are intuitive with intonation of your voice, so you may have to be strict when training the playful and stubborn Shih Tzu.

They love cuddling and snuggling and like being pampered. These are positive rewards that can be used when training a Shih Tzu puppy.

How to Train a Shih Tzu Dog

Housebreaking can be done with puppy crate training, and it is important to get them on a schedule after they are 12 weeks old, when it comes to feeding, watering and letting them outdoors. A schedule that allows feeding every few hours, press several times a day, and letting them outside 5 or 6 times a day, works best. After 12 weeks, youcan feed less frequently, but you will still need to water and let them out frequently up until they are at least six months old. Housebreaking depends on vigilance, and it is not unusual for puppy crate training to take 4 to 6 months.

Because of their small size and body shape, it is important to realize that their food and water intake in smaller, yet more frequent sessions, and tend to need to go outdoors more frequently than larger dogs. They are prone to more serious health risks due to their long back, which is susceptible to disk problems, and also can develop joint, kidney and skin problems.

Sometimes they have breathing problems, due to their unnaturally short face and nose, so the potential for heat stroke in hot humid weather is riskier with a Shih Tzu, thanother breeds. Do not leave your dog outside in hot weather for long periods of time, and make sure that their puppy training crate is large enough for them to turn their long body around, and is kept in a cool, comfortable place when you are away.

Because of their separation anxiety, it is best not to leave them in the cage for long periods of time, and also be mindful that they can become destructive and chew things up when nervous. Hard rubber chew toys are all that should be allowed with a Shih Tzu, and nothing that could cause choking small.

Training the proud and stubborn Shih Tzu demands consistency in tone, commands and schedule, but you can still expect it to take a little longer than most breeds in the majority of cases.

How to Train a Shih Tzu Dog

Is Cesar Millan the Gay Communities SuperNanny " "?

Taking on the ' dog whisperer '

OK, I admit, I've gotten sucked into episodes of '' The Dog Whisperer '' and been intrigued by Cesar Millan's magic with canines. The guy's likable enough, and he's an animal lover (I presume), so I give him points for that. And I've even tried his training methods (sort of) with my dopey but headstrong Rottweiler. But for some reason I'm not completely sold. The skeptic in me says that this Mexican guy hit the jackpot one day when he realized he could make a buck by convincing desperate shitzu/pitbull/goldendoodle/shepherd owners that he could rehabilitate their growly, ill-behaved "terrors.

Shitzu Dogs

Is Cesar Millan the Gay Communities SuperNanny " "?
Is Cesar Millan the Gay Communities SuperNanny " "?

Exercising With My ShihTzu, Shaiming

Exercise has for a long time been shown to be a KEY factor in our brain health. It stimulates the brain making it function better. Certain healthy foods and supplements also work to help in the stimulus but keeping the cardiovascular health strong is essential to avoid Alzheimer's disease and dementia. This ensures that they brain is sharp and focused.

Exercise means different things to many people and if hitting the gym or running in the park isn't your cup of tea, you can find something else that you enjoy. This could be dancing or joining an aerobics class. It could even be something as exciting as taking your dog out for a walk! The key thing is that your body is moving.

Shitzu Dogs

On April 23rd at the Humane Society it was love at first sight when I saw my ShiTzu,Shaiming. I didn't know much about this breed and I set on a journey to learn as much about him as I possibly could. One of the common features in Shih Tzus is the different eye colors. More large dogs have two different eye colors than the little ones. Mine has one blue and one brown.

The other thing is that they hate to exercise. Yes, hate. That explains why today he gave clear signals that he didn't want to be walking. He planted his little feet and reused to move his little furry body. I decided to try something different and took his little leash and tucked it in his harness letting him walk free. He loved this better! This works for me as he's not a dog that would run away. In fact only time he'll runs is if I'm teasing him with a yummy treat or when we are playing hide andseek from room to room in the house.

It has been interesting looking for strategies to get him to enjoy some exercises as I'd never had a dog who wasn't excited about taking a walk. From the ShitTzu manuals I read this breed needs exercise so I'm glad to be discovering ways to help him enjoy his exercises!

Exercising With My ShihTzu, Shaiming

Walking with him means exercise both for him and for me!

Exercising With My ShihTzu, Shaiming

Vacation Rental Ads-Reading Between the Lines

You've decided to rent a villa, cottage or cabin for a summer vacation. Where do you look for one that is going to give you the idyllic time you and your family need? How do you know that the description you read on a website or in an advertisement is accurate, or really gives the information you need before you part with your money? Here are a few tips to help you read between the lines and understand what the owner or agency is really telling you about the property you are interested in.

Vacation homes come in all shapes and sizes. Some are downright rustic, perhaps no more than a cabin to change into and sleep in at night, whilst others have more facilities and comforts than you have at home. Never forget though, that ' beauty is in the eye of the beholder ', and the placethe owner has loved since childhood that holds a wealth of memories for him, might not match your dream of an idyllic vacation. And, bear in mind that although you would like to spend the majority of your vacation on the dock and in the water, sometimes the weather can be very unkind and you may need to move indoors to escape the elements.

So what should you look out for in an advertisement, or on a vacation rentals website:

Shitzu Dogs

or Descriptions that seem unnecessarily vague-this lets the owner or agency off any accusation of misrepresentation

Vacation Rental Ads-Reading Between the Lines

or Smoking permitted-means the owners smoke and the place will probably have the all-pervading smell of stale tobacco, particularly the beds.

or Pets welcome-the owners probably have dogs, so will every renter in the summer, I knowto feel at home, you'll at least need a Shitzu, if not a brace of Golden Retrievers.

or Use of expressions such as: ' Traditional cottage furnishings '-usually means green and yellow furniture previously enjoyed by a decade of domestic pets and the occasional rodent, orange threadbare carpet sporting a range of unidentifiable stains, and beds that would not have been out of place in a Victorian workhouse.

or ' Rustic '-as above but with little or no inside plumbing

or ' Short walk to the beach '-probably indicates you will need to take your hiking boots, and a bell to ward off bears along the way.

or ' The waterfront is a ' bit ' weedy '-there is no waterfront, at least there may be some in the far distance after you navigate the marsh in your canoe.

This isprobably a bit unfair-I too would tell my guests if there was a little weed at the waterfront, or if the beach was not right off the deck. However, be aware that vacation homes may not be all they seem from a web advert, or from a description given to you over the phone.

The best way of satisfying yourself that you are really getting what your family wants is to get a testimonial from a previous renter, so ask the owner or agent where you can see these. If the place is as good as it is advertised, they will not have a problem with sharing that with you.

Vacation Rental Ads-Reading Between the Lines

Pay Per Click Services-Still Big Money to be Made

Pay per click services with Google is a quick and effective way to make some major dough on the internet. The traffic is targeted very specifically and direct. That is, if somebody types in for example ' How do I train my pet doggy Shitzu ' then what can pop up front and center is a manual or maybe a 5 set instructional dvd series on ' How to train Shitzu's ' pet. This is called a Google Adword. In order to get top placement through pay per click services, you have to bid against other people for a top spot. But if you have a real specific niche your going after (like pet Shitzu training) then the competition will be very low.

Of course if you have a broader, more popular product or service that you're advertising the pay per click services are going to cost you. And nowmore and more people are bidding on the pay per click services for placement, opting for the top slot, and hence the prices have driven up. It can get to the point where you either have to drop out of the game altogether, or figure out a way around the sky high pay per click services.

One way, as mentioned above, is finding a tighter "niche. Actually you'll have to find several tighter "niches to make up for the low traffic compared to more popular broader niches. This can take a lot of research and several weeks to find some areas which you can concentrate on, and hopefully have some personal interest in. I give the Shitzu example above, as it illustrates how if you are into dogs, you can have several opportunities with pay per click services to advertise more specifically, say onspecific breeds.

Another way around high cost pay per click services, especially if you want to stick with broader, more popular products, is to offset. This consists of using pay per click services like adwords to make money, by selling other ads! And if done correctly, then you can actually get some of your google adwords for free. This is an excellent, and very, very clever, method to use in order to get around high cost pay per click services.

Shitzu Dogs

Pay Per Click Services-Still Big Money to be Made
Pay Per Click Services-Still Big Money to be Made

From Puppy to Puppy Prestige Pariah

With names like mutt, mongrel and "god knows what," mix breed dogs have always been the outcast of the canine community. When visiting the local pet shop, it's rare to go window shopping for nothing less than a pure bred dog. Pure breeds also dominated pop culture and TV, with programs like Lassie and the Westminster dog show-where little fluffy dogs prance around as their trainers keep them on a short leash.

Well, these dog days are over "discriminative capacities. Enter the hybrid. Mix breeds dogs that in the past have been are frowned upon as pups you adopt when your neighbor's dog gets out for a day of fun, now fetch a pretty hefty premium. With breeds like the "Golden Doodle" and the "Puggle", these breeds even have a fancy name to go with the fancy price tags; DesignerDogs.

Designer dogs are created when their breeders cross two pure bred canines with the goal of incorporating desirable traits from each breed. While this sounds a bit diabolical, this isn't the first time man has dabbled with doggy DNA.

Shitzu Dogs

Dogs first started hanging out with man about 15.000 years ago, as Gray wolves. This was the same time inadvertently breeding man started what would become the modern dog. By selecting which wolves they would throw scraps to or allow to stick around the camp fire, they were accidentally selecting out the traits that were beneficial to keep around. These traits could have included keeping other predators away or simply being good company. Now skip ahead some 14.000 years ought to the 19th century when breeding really came into itsstride.

By the 19th century, dogs had been bred by people to help in hunting, herding cattle and even bred to sit perched up high on the laps of royalty (lap dog). People selected traits such as wrinkled skin or long and short hair and even useful body shapes. In fact the father of natural selection, Charles Darwin, used dog breeding as a reference when writing about the selection of useful traits in his ground breaking work, On the Origin of Species. But what if breeders desired certain traits from one breed and other traits from a different breed?

From Puppy to Puppy Prestige Pariah

In the 1980 's breeders started crossbreeding pure bred dogs with the goal of selecting specific traits from each dog to create an uber dog. Some of the first crosses were attempted Poodles with other breeds such as Labradors tocreate a dog with the intelligence of both the Poodle and Labrador and the hypoallergenic fur of the Poodle.

Designer Dogs have only gained in popularity since their conception in the 80 's. The breeders that have caught on to this trend make a fortune supplying pet owners would be with these unique breeds. Some of the more popular mix breed dogs include the "Puggle (Pug mixed with a Beagle), Cockapoo (Cocker spaniel mixed with a Poodle) and the ever popular Bullshit (Bull dog mixed with a Shitzu).

And move over American Kennel Club, us hybrid dog owners don't need you when we have the American Canine Hybrid Club. Yes, there is a club specifically for hybrid dog owners where you can register your designer dog.

Now you are probably going over it in your head, "Man, thewonder what kinds of crazy combinations of dogs there are? " By now you are completely sold on the idea of a Great Dane Chihuahua mix, but you have to keep in mind that while man attempts to play God, he doesn't always get it right.

When deciding on what breed of designer dog to bring into your family, you'll need to consider not only the traits you would like in your new furry companion, but also what traits you might find potentially disagreeable in the two breeds you are looking at. If one breed is high energy and the other a natural digger, well you will most likely have a tunnel in your back yard to China.

If you are truly interested in mix breed dogs, a fantastic venue for adoption is your local animal shelter. You will be able to find a plethora of interesting mixes andat the same time help decrease the number of pups that can't find homes.

Take my word for it, I found my perfect little Chug boy Baxster at the animal shelter and he has been amazing. By the way, that's a Chihuahua Pug mix.

From Puppy to Puppy Prestige Pariah

Is it Safe to Have Pet Rats and a Cat in the Same House?

A question I get asked a lot is whether it is possible for those who already own a cat to adopt pet rats. There are a number of factors to consider before making this decision. Whilst there are those few people who say that their cat poses no threat to their rodent pals and happily post pics of their cat and rat getting along well this is a very rare case and should not be treated as the norm.

I should point out at this stage that I live with my 2 pets rats, Pea and Mingles, my dog, Charlie, a Maltese x Shitzu and my cat, Dylan, a Ragdoll x Persian. All of my animals are rescues and they are all wonderful in different ways. However despite his Ragdoll bloodline, Dylan most definitely has the hunting instinct and I would never let the rats run around out of the rat cage whilst he is in the room. It is important to remember that even if you choose a gentle breed like a pure Ragdoll cat and have them from a kitten, they should still never be left out with your pet rats.

Shitzu Dogs

It is possible to keep pet rats if you have a cat, although you should weigh out the pros and cons before adopting your new pets. Here are some things to consider:

Is it Safe to Have Pet Rats and a Cat in the Same House?

1. Separation - You will need to be able to easily separate your cat and rats when you want to let your rats out. This could mean using a spare room as a ratty room. This is what I do. The spare room is free from rat dangers like wires, sharp objects and small things they could choke on. It is also fully sealed. There are no little holes in the wall that the rats could escape from. I try to spend an hour a day in there with my rats. We can play together and I can do some training with them safely away from naughty cat claws and teeth. I also have a lot of fun tubes, boxes and even a rat swimming pool for them to explore. Cats are usually fine with this time out and as long as they have plenty of room to roam and their food, water and litter tray (and in our case a doggy companion) they will be fine.

2. Security - You will need to be 100% sure that your rat cage is secure. Of course you would need to do this anyway, because you wouldn't want your rats to escape and get into danger. When we first adopted our two rats Pea and Mingles the old owners gave us their cage and it had a hole in. It was a small hole and I blocked it with plastic boxes and duct tape, but I had the scare of my life when I found Pea running around the floor with Dylan the cat about to pounce. Luckily I picked Pea up in time and the rats have since moved to a 100% safe (and huge!) cage, but please don't let your pets get into this situation. Rats are notorious escape artists. You may think that the space is too small for them to squeeze out of, but they will surprise you. Make sure the rat cage is sturdy (cannot be knocked over) and that there are plenty of areas for the rats to hide from prying eyes.

3. Common Sense - You know your cat better than anyone, but even if you have the gentlest cat in the world who appears to want to be friends with your rats, please be very careful and never ever leave them unsupervised together. I can have my rats sit on my shoulder whilst Dylan is sitting next to me on the sofa, but if he is sitting on top of the sofa I am very careful. The rats' tails are irresistible to most cats.

If you have a cat and you are willing to put in some extra effort to ensure the safety of your rats then there is no reason you shouldn't have rodent pets. However, make sure that you have more than one rat. This is always best as the rats can keep each other company when they are in their rat cage. Even if you can spend a lot of time with your rat, when you are away, or asleep the rats can snuggle and play together and groom each other. It will make all the difference to their lives.

Rats may seem fearless at times, but if you have more than one cat, perhaps you should think about whether a rat is really a good pet for you and your family. Imagine how the rats will feel as all the cats investigate the cage and try to figure out ways to get in.

If you have decided to adopt some rats, be sure to take responsibility for their welfare. If you have a child who has begged you for rats they may learn some responsibility, but ultimately it is the adult who should ensure the animals' welfare and make sure the cats do not pose a problem. It is also essential to ensure your cats are getting just as much attention as they used to, before the new additions.

I hope this article has helped you work out whether keeping rats and cats together could work for your family.

Good Luck!

Is it Safe to Have Pet Rats and a Cat in the Same House?

Adopting a Shih Tzu From an Animal Shelter

One of the best ways to adopt an older Shitzu is to go to the animal shelter. Animal shelters are nothing more than just shelters ran by the county or the city that take in many animals for a variety of reasons. However, as you may already know, shelters have a wide variety of dogs and they're no guarantees that a Shitzu would be at that animal shelter for certain. Therefore, if you're diligent, you should be able to find one at some other shelter, one just may show up.

In most cases, animal shelters have close relationships with purebred rescue groups and they ship any purebred dog to them. Therefore, if you've really got your mind set on getting a Shitzu, you may want to start your search with a rescue group. In addition, if you're someone that doesn't mind getting a mixed dog, for instance, a Shitzu mixed with another breed, then an animal shelter is for you. One of the best ways to assure yourself of getting a purebred or a mixed dog is to get to know the workers at the shelter, and tell them to call you if that particular dog shows up.

Shitzu Dogs

Here are some points to consider if you ever decide to adopt a dog from the animal shelter.

Adopting a Shih Tzu From an Animal Shelter

1) When you adopt a Shih Tzu from an animal shelter, it will bring you and your family lots of joy as well as some challenges. You may have to start from the beginning when it comes to housetraining, socialization and trust.

2) The information you receive on the dog will be limited if any at all. You may be oblivious to the past of the dog, whether it's been mistreated or if it had any medical issues in the past. However, workers at the shelter may be able to give you clues, but that's usually all the help you can expect to get. Remember, shelters just don't have the time and resources to evaluate every dog that comes through the door. Therefore, you and your new Shih Tzu will have some things to work out.

3) You must get approval from the shelter before you can adopt the Shih Tzu. Many shelters (at least the good ones) require application forms that can be quite lengthy. The shelter just wants to make sure that the dogs don't end up right back in the shelter.

4) Adopting a Shih Tzu at an animal shelter is a lot cheaper than buying one from a breeder.

A Shih Tzu just wants to be loved and to worship you; therefore, treat your new dog well whether he or she is a puppy or an older dog. They're also adaptable little dogs and they'll give you years of joy and satisfaction.

Adopting a Shih Tzu From an Animal Shelter

Naming Dogs by Their Characteristics

Whats in a name you may ask? Definitely a must for us upright homo sapiens but more so for our beloved canine pets who aside from having four legs and a fur to distinguish from us, they also speak a different language. Still the irony is, no matter how hard you whistle or bark, they wont budge but call them with their names and they'll do more than just wag their tails.

Top 10 names

Shitzu Dogs

1. My furry "Buddy" - A no brainer for a name, which would also reflect the lack of true affection from an owner who doesn't want to think hard enough for a special name. This is not exactly a name in the real sense but no dog wont mind as long as you keep the doggie treats and some light beer to go along with it. Take him out for a stroll and you wont really need any leash just shout out "happy hour" and out he goes.

Naming Dogs by Their Characteristics

2. "MAX"imum effect - If you want a name that will command the utmost respect from your friends and neighbors, then this is definitely one to consider. A short name but very masculine and mostly given to big and strong guard dogs. Now if you live alone with a fluffy poodle or a shitzu instead of the intimidating pit bull and doberman, and you see some strange and suspicious looking person lurking around your neighborhood, shouting out "MAX" will surely give him second thoughts.

3. "Sadie" - Not to be mistaken as the opposite of Happy. Literally by definition it means diminutive. Obviously applies to any puppies but as soon as they start to outgrow even the owner themselves, you might want to rethink about the name. Naming a St. Bernard Sadie will be like calling KingKong, chimp.

4. "Jack" be nimble "Jack" be quick - Dogs are always very amusing as compared to other animals because they can do tricks and thats what makes them very fond to play with. If your dog is one that can easily be trained and does every trick you throw at him, then call him this for he's definitely a "Jack of all tricks."

5. As fine as a "Daisy" - Obviously derived from the name of a specie of a flower. Just you make sure your dog smells just as nice.

6. I love "Lucy" - Not only a popular name but by human standards, one thats synonymous with humor and laughter. Naming your pet Lucy might mean that you love watching the 60's sitcom and laughs even louder after watching the reruns. The only problem is finding a mate for her who's name should be Ricardo.

7. "Lady" beware - If you live in a busy neighborhood, you might want to rethink about naming your dog this for it might give you some trouble. Take her out for a walk and then she suddenly strays off and you call out to her saying "hey Lady", will surely make every woman, look at you with glaring stares and a grin. You don't want any harassment suit over a silly name calling.

8. "Charlie" doesn't eat chocolates - For any little boy who loves chocolates and sweets, you might want to give your pet this name, just do not give him the real cocoa stuff or you're liable to take him to a veterinarian and fast. This is actually a name derived from German terminology meaning 'free", so any dog with such a name shouldn't be tied on a leash or put in a cage not unless he's a Manson.

9. "Rocky", the legend lives on - Not quite sure when the name started out to becoming popular but I can only guess if Sly's namesake movie has something to do with it. Still its a very strong name and aptly given to bulldogs and the likes, with no resemblance to the actor himself. One can only hope that if your pet rocky has his own pups, you wont name them rocky 1,2,3 or 4.

10. Hail to the "Duke" - No other name in the top 10 list is ever more majestic sounding than this. Its royalty and eminence combined. By definition it simply means "leader" or a Title of a Lord. If you ask me, all dogs should be called this since if one really thinks hard at it, dogs may follow our commands but we are the ones who feeds, bathes and takes care of them, and we follow them when we take them for a stroll and even picks up their poop. so who's the real boss now?

Naming Dogs by Their Characteristics